Ways to Give

Charitable News Flashes! Shamelessly listing simple, innovative, free, and powerful ways to benefit mothers and children, your compassion effortlessly assists those who are forgotten.

Popular Ways

You can help by giving directly to The Custody Project by mail, or online through GoodSearch, Network for Good, PayPal, Just Give, PayPal Giving Fund (PPGF) /eBay /MissionFish, Causes/Facebook, Bank of America, and Guidestar, through online and on-street shopping, DonationStreet, GoodShop, Our Friendship Mall, weddings, reward points, matching gifts, company grants, corporate giving, employee grant writing, stock, land, and vehicle donations, State and Federal Campaigns, the United Way, tax write-offs, eBay, Belk's Charity Sales, our Dinner Benefits, TCP's December Raffles, sponsoring Donna on the Drive, by donating to the Summer Caravan/National Drive, or by volunteering your time. You can also put coins in a giving jar and send the sum, donate the proceeds of bake sales and yard sales to us, share our flyers, bookmark us, share our Donate and Contact Us links, and send your prayers. We do accept gifts and in-kind donations to our Annual Raffles and Fundraisers, with heartfelt thanks from the families you help.

Your compassion assists mothers and their children yearly, and we thank those who give and those giving regularly. On behalf of our mothers and children, welcome.

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